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Report and pre projetcs online

All the Associated Schools and candidates must fulfill two formalities:


 1. Until March 31, all schools must submit their pre-projects, that is, a document in which they explain their main work proposals for the current year. It does not have to be an exhaustive description, but it is important to make clear what the central guidelines are.

2. Until November 30, all schools must complete the form and submit the Activity Report by clicking on the buttons below.



These documents must be completed online directly on this page ( in the Portuguese version and in the chosen foreign language, usually English or Spanish.

These are one of the few but unavoidable obligations for the schools that are part of the PEA-UNESCO Network and failure to complete these obligations makes the school subject to exclusion.

It is from these documents that the National Coordination can get informed about the actions of its Associated and Candidate Schools and thus make its report also to the International Coordination. It is also through the reports that we can check how the Network is doing, the quality of the projects and the preferred themes.

For those who have difficulties filling in online, it can exceptionally also be sent by email to:, justifying the reason for choosing this need.


Note: In the case of the Final Report, if you fill out the form using a Google email, the files upload (photos, videos, etc.) will be made via the form itself available via the button "Online report (with Google account ”; If you do not have a Google email, you must choose the form available on the button " Online report (without Google account) "and fill it in normally. In this case, the desired files must be sent to the email:, being the title of the message the name of the School to which the Report refers.

report online

(with google account)

report online

(no google account)

pre-projetcts online

Contact Info



164 Duque Costa Street
Jardim Marajoara - Room 60
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
ZIP 04671-160  


Avenida Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 775, apto 112
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
CEP: 04014-010

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