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The PEA UNESCO Network works hard in order to open doors and create opportunities for public schools, offering innovative pedagogical resources. Here are the main partnerships established in recent years and the achievements brought by them to associated schools:

Project ‘Experimento’/Siemens Foundation

Area: Scientific Education.

Beneficiaries: 32 middle-school public institutions.

Summary: Conducted jointly with the Siemens Foundation, this project is currently in its first year of implementation. It benefits 32 public schools, whose teachers received continued teacher training and a scientific-education kit. This way, teachers are updated on strategies for teaching scientific education through the realization of simple experiments.


‘Nave à Vela’ Institute

Area: Teacher training in Maker Culture.

Beneficiaries: Public schools in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (initially).

Summary: The ‘Nave à Vela’ Institute provided robotics kits and teacher training for teachers at public associated schools regarding the subject of Maker Culture, which assimilates the creation of technological artifacts by students with basic physical and chemical principles.  

‘Ecofalante’ Institute

Area: Movies, culture, and environment.

Beneficiaries: Associated public schools’ students.

Summary: The PEA UNESCO Network established a partnership with the Ecofalante Institute, which specializes in movies with environmental thematic. Through this partnership, each time a private schools hires Ecofalante’s services, two public schools are given the opportunity to attend private movie screenings, followed by debates regarding the environmental themes addressed in the movies.

Geekie (Concluded in 2016)


Area: Preparation for ENEM (National High School Exam) through adaptive platforms. 

Beneficiaries: Students of public high schools.

Summary: Being the main startup regarding adaptive technologies in Brazil, Geekie offered all associated public schools’ students access to their ENEM prep online platform.


Contact Info



164 Duque Costa Street
Jardim Marajoara - Room 60
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
ZIP 04671-160  


Avenida Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 775, apto 112
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
CEP: 04014-010

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