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Admissions to the PEA UNESCO Network are open to all public and private schools, as well as to teacher training institutions.

Ultimately, the addition of institutions to the board of Associated Schools is determined by the International Coordination, which takes into consideration the provided details and the evaluation made by the National Coordination, amongst other factors.

​Some of the criteria taken into consideration are the use of innovative approaches; the provision of a safe, sustainable, inclusive, and effective learning environment; and the interaction with other schools from Brazil and all around the world. 

​Before being accepted as members, schools must take part in the program as candidates. In this case, they are all allowed to follow all orientations and attend project meeting. They cannot, however, make use of the UNESCO Associated School logo.

​The affiliation requirement is allowed to only one school’s facility per request. For schools with more than one facility, it is recommended that requests are made progressively. 

Note: the certificate provided to associated schools is valid through the course of two years, which is then renewed at the end of each term. This way, the commitment to the network’s ​requirements is taken into consideration. Institutions which fail to attend the necessary conditions are automatically excluded from the program.

First steps of the admission process:

1. Fill out the application form provided in this portal. It is essential for the main director of the institution to be aware of this document.

​2. Translate the form to one of the official UNESCO languages, preferably English or Spanish


3. Submit the form to the National Coordination (, which will then proceed with the admission process.

Expression of Interest and Admission Form (in Portuguese)

Expression of Interest and Admission Form (in English)

Contact Info



164 Duque Costa Street
Jardim Marajoara - Room 60
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
ZIP 04671-160  


Avenida Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 775, apto 112
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
CEP: 04014-010

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